
Paul Allan Frederick
Paul Allan Frederick is currently active as a poet, artist, and writer whose origins and heart are from Southern California. Born in the late sixties, he has seen many things happen in this country and the global scene. These are the motivating factors in his adventures and artistic expressions, whether poems, paintings, or prose. He is currently a late-in-life- return-to-school student enrolled at Ohio University Southern Campus. He is also a husband and father, and pet owner. He holds a writing office in Ashland, KY and his work has been seen in the local paper, Pegasus, Envoi, and other local journals and contests. He has won awards for his poetry and artwork. Paul Allan writes a blog at and can be found on facebook.
Bruce Fugett
Bruce Fugett is a 23 year old senior at Ohio University Southern. He is graduating in the Spring of 2011 with a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy, as well as an A.A. with an emphasis in Social Sciences. He is moving to Seattle in the Fall where he plans to attend Antioch University Seattle where he will obtain an M.A. in Mental Health Counseling. Bruce enjoys playing the guitar, banjo, piano, and the drums. He also loves hiking, skateboarding, writing, cooking, and getting to know himself and others. He feels that his main purpose in life is to seek growth and to help others grow and reach their full             potential as well.

Hayley Mitchell Haugen holds a PhD in 20th Century American Literature from Ohio University, and an MFA in poetry from the University of Washington, where she was awarded an Academy of American Poets Prize. She teaches American Literature and Creative Writing, at Ohio University Southern, and she is the literature club advisor and managing editor of Envoi. Her poetry, creative nonfiction, and critical essays have appeared or are forthcoming in The Brock Review, Cimarron, Columbia Magazine, The Charlotte Review, Kalliope, New Delta Review, Pearl, Poetry Northwest, Rattle, Spillway, the Southern Poetry Review, The Body in Medical Culture, Wordwrights, and elsewhere. She has also written numerous non-fiction books for teens published by Greenhaven Press/Lucent Books.

Kacy Lovelace is a recent graduate of Ohio University where she received a BA in Creative Writing and an AA in Humanities. Kacy enjoys writing in multiple genres and plans to pursue an MFA in Fiction in the Fall of 2012 as well as a PH.D in Literature. In her free time she likes to spend time with her husband, 8 cats, and beautiful nephew.

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The Bloggers

This blog is co-created by past and present members of the Ohio University Southern Literature Club; past and present editors of Envoi, our campus literary magazine; and other OUS students who enjoy reading and writing. It is a space for us to informally report on all things literary and to share creative writing efforts. Stay awhile, and feel free to comment and join in the conversation.



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